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Filtered by: Gun Rights

What is an Expungement?

To “expunge” is to “erase or remove completely.”

by Derek Thooft
Disqualified from Possessing a Firearm at The State Level

As discussed in prior posts a person can be disqualified from the ability to lawfully possess a firearm under both Minnesota law and federal law.

On Behalf of Thooft Law LLC
Conceal and Carry in Minnesota

Minnesotans have been given the ability to carry firearms by the legislature

On Behalf of Thooft Law LLC
Disqualified From Possessing a Firearm at the Federal Level

An individual can be prohibited from owning a firearm at both the state and federal level.

On Behalf of Thooft Law LLC
Can an Individual Prohibited From Owning a Firearm in Minnesota Own a Black Powder or Antique Firearm?

The short answer to this question is no, until they restore this right.

On Behalf of Thooft Law LLC
How to Restore Your Right to Possess a Firearm – Petition to the Court

Persons convicted of felonies or violent crimes, as well as others, are prohibited from possessing

On Behalf of Thooft Law LLC